Ezekiel Raui: Young leader fulfilling his life goals at age 20

Ezekiel Raui is only 20 but he is already rethinking his life goals.

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It's not because he has changed his mind. It's because the young Whatuwhiwhi man is already ticking them off.

Meet Barrack Obama - done; meet the Queen - that's happening next year. He also wanted to meet Martin Luther King Jr, Nelson Mandela, and Bob Marley but that might be a bit tricky.

"Now that I've ticked them off a lot earlier than I'd anticipated, or at all, I'll have to re think my life goals," he said.

Mr Raui is one of two New Zealand winners of the Queen's Young Leaders 2017 Awards.

He was nominated for his work around leadership and mental health and found out he had won the day before he flew to Rarotonga, making the trip even better.

"I don't think it will become a reality for me until I land in London. Right now I'm still pinching myself wondering whether or not it was a dream or I actually made it."

Mr Raui will receive the award from the Queen at a special ceremony at Buckingham Palace in June next year.

"I was quite nervous when I found out I had received the award. I was like 'they haven't mentioned anything but does that mean I can give her a hongi?' because I don't want to get arrested and tackled over in Buckingham Palace because I got too close to the Queen."

It's not the first time Mr Raui has met a world leader.

To read the full article, click here.

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December 12, 2017

Ezekiel Raui: Young leader fulfilling his life goals at age 20

Ezekiel Raui is only 20 but he is already rethinking his life goals.

It's not because he has changed his mind. It's because the young Whatuwhiwhi man is already ticking them off.

Meet Barrack Obama - done; meet the Queen - that's happening next year. He also wanted to meet Martin Luther King Jr, Nelson Mandela, and Bob Marley but that might be a bit tricky.

"Now that I've ticked them off a lot earlier than I'd anticipated, or at all, I'll have to re think my life goals," he said.

Mr Raui is one of two New Zealand winners of the Queen's Young Leaders 2017 Awards.

He was nominated for his work around leadership and mental health and found out he had won the day before he flew to Rarotonga, making the trip even better.

"I don't think it will become a reality for me until I land in London. Right now I'm still pinching myself wondering whether or not it was a dream or I actually made it."

Mr Raui will receive the award from the Queen at a special ceremony at Buckingham Palace in June next year.

"I was quite nervous when I found out I had received the award. I was like 'they haven't mentioned anything but does that mean I can give her a hongi?' because I don't want to get arrested and tackled over in Buckingham Palace because I got too close to the Queen."

It's not the first time Mr Raui has met a world leader.

To read the full article, click here.