Into the Dragon's Den - Regional Finals in Auckland

Spice Boys took first place in East Auckland along with a $1000 cheque that will help as capital investment for their business. Macleans College team Life Ed won the second place.

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Mark Snoad, assistant principal Ormiston Senior College is thrilled that they have managed to bag not only the first place but also the third place with another team Little Print beating the rest of the 11 East Auckland Colleges to the winning post.

"This is the second win in a row. Last year, team Escape won in East Auckland as well," he says.

The Dragons' Den is a competition within the Young Enterprise programme that marks students on the quality of their business pitches.

While the business plan of the Spice Boys involved working on and selling Telza, a tasty sauce from a treasured family recipe, the real challenge for them was to comply with the food and safety standards and being label compliant, whilst bottling the sauce.

Year 13 student Hetu Shah, CEO of Spice Boys says that the secret recipe of the tartar based sauce with lots of other ingredients came from another team member, Paramveer Basra.

"It's Paramveer's dad, a restaurateur who discovered the secret recipe and shared it with us. We also got a lot of support from Food Bowl, a facility operated by NZ Food Innovation that helps people develop business ideas."

The team now plans to sell in a retail environment at Ormiston Pak'nSave.

"Our school has established a good working relationship with Pak'nSave Ormiston," says 17-year-old Hetu who also works in the same supermarket. "We will have tasting sessions and will also put it as a point of sale at a dairy since it is a family business and we know people in the trade."

Team Little Print that comprises of Ramneek Sandhu, Sasha Amichand, Kunj Patel, and Conall MacFadyen first analysed the market to find there aren't many children's picture books on endangered species that combines education with adventure.

Read the full article here

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July 5, 2016

Into the Dragon's Den - Regional Finals in Auckland

Spice Boys took first place in East Auckland along with a $1000 cheque that will help as capital investment for their business. Macleans College team Life Ed won the second place.

Mark Snoad, assistant principal Ormiston Senior College is thrilled that they have managed to bag not only the first place but also the third place with another team Little Print beating the rest of the 11 East Auckland Colleges to the winning post.

"This is the second win in a row. Last year, team Escape won in East Auckland as well," he says.

The Dragons' Den is a competition within the Young Enterprise programme that marks students on the quality of their business pitches.

While the business plan of the Spice Boys involved working on and selling Telza, a tasty sauce from a treasured family recipe, the real challenge for them was to comply with the food and safety standards and being label compliant, whilst bottling the sauce.

Year 13 student Hetu Shah, CEO of Spice Boys says that the secret recipe of the tartar based sauce with lots of other ingredients came from another team member, Paramveer Basra.

"It's Paramveer's dad, a restaurateur who discovered the secret recipe and shared it with us. We also got a lot of support from Food Bowl, a facility operated by NZ Food Innovation that helps people develop business ideas."

The team now plans to sell in a retail environment at Ormiston Pak'nSave.

"Our school has established a good working relationship with Pak'nSave Ormiston," says 17-year-old Hetu who also works in the same supermarket. "We will have tasting sessions and will also put it as a point of sale at a dairy since it is a family business and we know people in the trade."

Team Little Print that comprises of Ramneek Sandhu, Sasha Amichand, Kunj Patel, and Conall MacFadyen first analysed the market to find there aren't many children's picture books on endangered species that combines education with adventure.

Read the full article here