Mentoring: Giving feedback

Follow these 4 tips and help students get the most out of your feedback.

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Follow these 4 tips and help students get the most out of your feedback.

1. Trust comes first
Giving constructive feedback before you have an established rapport and trust is a sure way to damage the chances of forming a positive relationship. Take your time to build trust with the team and your suggestions will be more likely to be welcomed and acted on.

2. Be specific
Whether you are singing their praises from the rooftops or passing on a piece of worldly advice it’s important to be specific. Statements full of platitudes and little detail is of no help to anybody who aims to repeat their positive action again in the future. Tell them specifically what you liked and where you thought their approach could have been different.

3. Start your statement with an ‘I’
Your feedback is always just your opinion or your viewpoint. By starting your sentence with an ‘I’ you are owning it and that makes it easier for someone to receive it…or reject it without feeling attacked judged or labelled. Example: “When …happened, I felt…I wonder if a better approach could have been to…”

4. Check your expectations
Before you launch into giving feedback, take a moment to check your expectations. These are students who are inexperienced in business and they have many competing priorities in addition to their YES business. If you still think they need to hear your constructive thoughts go for it!

Image: EdTech Review

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March 18, 2016

Mentoring: Giving feedback

Follow these 4 tips and help students get the most out of your feedback.

Follow these 4 tips and help students get the most out of your feedback.

1. Trust comes first
Giving constructive feedback before you have an established rapport and trust is a sure way to damage the chances of forming a positive relationship. Take your time to build trust with the team and your suggestions will be more likely to be welcomed and acted on.

2. Be specific
Whether you are singing their praises from the rooftops or passing on a piece of worldly advice it’s important to be specific. Statements full of platitudes and little detail is of no help to anybody who aims to repeat their positive action again in the future. Tell them specifically what you liked and where you thought their approach could have been different.

3. Start your statement with an ‘I’
Your feedback is always just your opinion or your viewpoint. By starting your sentence with an ‘I’ you are owning it and that makes it easier for someone to receive it…or reject it without feeling attacked judged or labelled. Example: “When …happened, I felt…I wonder if a better approach could have been to…”

4. Check your expectations
Before you launch into giving feedback, take a moment to check your expectations. These are students who are inexperienced in business and they have many competing priorities in addition to their YES business. If you still think they need to hear your constructive thoughts go for it!

Image: EdTech Review