Mentoring: What's involved in mentoring a YES company?

The Lion Foundation Young Enterprise Scheme (YES) involves teams of year 12 and 13 students starting and running a business for the school year. Students are often participating in YES and using the programme to complete an NCEA Business Studies qualification. In addition, teams compete regionally and nationally for titles, cash prizes and scholarships.

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Students have a number of people and resources to help them succeed. Specifically in their region, students have:

  • Their YES teacher who helps teach business concepts and ensures they are on track to achieve their qualifications and,
  • The YES Regional Coordinator who often works part-time and is responsible for arranging key events for students and making connections between students and the local business community.

There is a real need for teams to get support and advice from someone older, with a good understanding of business and with some useful knowledge and experience they can share. Mentors provide this ‘missing piece’ and have proven to be a very positive influence to the overall business success and student learning outcomes from YES.

Once recruited, Mentors work alongside students and provide that all-important sounding board. Mentors are a source of both support and practical business advice.

Ideally the Mentor will work with a team for most of the school year. If a YES business continues for more than one year, it is up to the team and the Mentor to decide whether the mentoring relationship will also continue.

Mentoring is a voluntary role and is best entered into without expectations of getting anything in return.

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March 18, 2016

Mentoring: What's involved in mentoring a YES company?

The Lion Foundation Young Enterprise Scheme (YES) involves teams of year 12 and 13 students starting and running a business for the school year. Students are often participating in YES and using the programme to complete an NCEA Business Studies qualification. In addition, teams compete regionally and nationally for titles, cash prizes and scholarships.

Students have a number of people and resources to help them succeed. Specifically in their region, students have:

  • Their YES teacher who helps teach business concepts and ensures they are on track to achieve their qualifications and,
  • The YES Regional Coordinator who often works part-time and is responsible for arranging key events for students and making connections between students and the local business community.

There is a real need for teams to get support and advice from someone older, with a good understanding of business and with some useful knowledge and experience they can share. Mentors provide this ‘missing piece’ and have proven to be a very positive influence to the overall business success and student learning outcomes from YES.

Once recruited, Mentors work alongside students and provide that all-important sounding board. Mentors are a source of both support and practical business advice.

Ideally the Mentor will work with a team for most of the school year. If a YES business continues for more than one year, it is up to the team and the Mentor to decide whether the mentoring relationship will also continue.

Mentoring is a voluntary role and is best entered into without expectations of getting anything in return.