Pavlova project doing well

In May, 15 girls from the year 13 economics class officially launched their pink pavlova Young Enterprise project.

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Cowell's Genuine Pavlova created the limited-edition pink pavlova and $1 from each dessert sold was destined for the New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation.

Yesterday, NZBCF chief executive Evangelia Henderson and communications manager Adele Gautier visited the school, met the Pink Ladies, heard about their business and even sampled the product.

Managing director Libby Sycamore (17) estimated between 2000 and 3000 pavlovas had already been sold and they were now being stocked as far afield as Kerikeri.

Their goal had always been to sell 20,000 and the girls were still aiming for that. Even if they did not reach it, it had been an ''amazing'' and invaluable experience, she said.

One hurdle, with pavlova being seen as a seasonal product, was trying to promote it as a mid-winter treat.

Now, stores were interested in stocking it to coincide with Breast Cancer Month in October, and supermarkets were still being pursued.

When it came to their Young Enterprise project, the girls felt like they needed to ''go beyond just making a profit'', Libby said.

Some of the money raised would probably help fund breast cancer research in Dunedin and it was exciting that they could help ''make a difference''.

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August 31, 2016

Pavlova project doing well

In May, 15 girls from the year 13 economics class officially launched their pink pavlova Young Enterprise project.

Cowell's Genuine Pavlova created the limited-edition pink pavlova and $1 from each dessert sold was destined for the New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation.

Yesterday, NZBCF chief executive Evangelia Henderson and communications manager Adele Gautier visited the school, met the Pink Ladies, heard about their business and even sampled the product.

Managing director Libby Sycamore (17) estimated between 2000 and 3000 pavlovas had already been sold and they were now being stocked as far afield as Kerikeri.

Their goal had always been to sell 20,000 and the girls were still aiming for that. Even if they did not reach it, it had been an ''amazing'' and invaluable experience, she said.

One hurdle, with pavlova being seen as a seasonal product, was trying to promote it as a mid-winter treat.

Now, stores were interested in stocking it to coincide with Breast Cancer Month in October, and supermarkets were still being pursued.

When it came to their Young Enterprise project, the girls felt like they needed to ''go beyond just making a profit'', Libby said.

Some of the money raised would probably help fund breast cancer research in Dunedin and it was exciting that they could help ''make a difference''.

To read the full article click here