"Pretty exceptional" quartet moving into the world

Four "pretty exceptional young ladies" are leaving school with a clutch of awards.

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St Mary's Diocesan School Stratford students Katelyn Bishop, 17, and 18-year-olds Alexandra Howard, Bianca Stewart and Eva Greensill are moving on with awards including the Young Enterprise Scheme, the Taranaki Puanga Festival and a $20,000 scholarship to Auckland University.

Principal Fiona Green described them as exceptional and said she expected them to make a difference.

"I think that comes from having to step up and be leaders," she said.

"They've all had to stand up in public and address people...That gives them the confidence to go on to the next stage and I guess for our school it's about what you can give back."

She said the girls also had social graces.

"[It means] I feel comfortable on a marae; I feel comfortable at parliament sitting next to a politician...They realise they can be upstanders and not bystanders.

"We expect them to go out and make a difference to the world."

Bishop was part of Nifty & Co, who were the Taranaki regional winners at the Young Enterprise Awards for their reusable tote bags, and will go to Wellington for the national finals.

"They were made from biodegradable cotton. We printed our own environmental quotes," she said. "We've got to pitch our product to all these big business people in New Zealand."

She said she enjoyed being able to run a business in a safe environment.

"You can make mistakes in a way and it's not a big deal. It's kind of like a practice run."

To read the full article, click here.

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November 22, 2017

"Pretty exceptional" quartet moving into the world

Four "pretty exceptional young ladies" are leaving school with a clutch of awards.

St Mary's Diocesan School Stratford students Katelyn Bishop, 17, and 18-year-olds Alexandra Howard, Bianca Stewart and Eva Greensill are moving on with awards including the Young Enterprise Scheme, the Taranaki Puanga Festival and a $20,000 scholarship to Auckland University.

Principal Fiona Green described them as exceptional and said she expected them to make a difference.

"I think that comes from having to step up and be leaders," she said.

"They've all had to stand up in public and address people...That gives them the confidence to go on to the next stage and I guess for our school it's about what you can give back."

She said the girls also had social graces.

"[It means] I feel comfortable on a marae; I feel comfortable at parliament sitting next to a politician...They realise they can be upstanders and not bystanders.

"We expect them to go out and make a difference to the world."

Bishop was part of Nifty & Co, who were the Taranaki regional winners at the Young Enterprise Awards for their reusable tote bags, and will go to Wellington for the national finals.

"They were made from biodegradable cotton. We printed our own environmental quotes," she said. "We've got to pitch our product to all these big business people in New Zealand."

She said she enjoyed being able to run a business in a safe environment.

"You can make mistakes in a way and it's not a big deal. It's kind of like a practice run."

To read the full article, click here.