Tips & Tricks from Janet Lang - Whangarei Girls' High School

Hear Janet Lang's tips & tricks to students and teachers involved with the Young Enterprise Scheme

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Janet Lang has been teaching at Whangarei Girls’ High
School for more than 30 years. In that time, she has
promoted entrepreneurship throughout the school and has
helped to embed enterprise into the school culture. Janet has been
a long-time supporter of The Lion Foundation Young Enterprise
Scheme, and has offered the programme for many years as part of
the senior school curriculum.

She has supported hundreds, if not thousands of students
to complete the YES programme. In December 2014, Janet
was awarded the Sir James Fletcher Award for Outstanding
Contribution to Enterprise.

Janet's 5 tips for Teachers

1. Don’t dismiss the simple ideas. Instead, help the team
to push the boundaries and move laterally

2. Expect accountability and responsibility, and operate
a high-trust model

3. Build a climate where the students reflect positively and
celebrate the learning from every challenge encountered

4. Involve the parents and whanau, they are a wonderful
(often untapped resource) but be wary of the line between
support and ownership

5. In the big scheme of things it is all about the experience,
don’t bury students in paper work

Janet's 5 tips for Students

1. Take advantage of the fabulous resources available
through Young Enterprise Trust

2. Create networks and outsource the skills you don’t have

3. There is always another way – never underestimate the
power of Plan B (or C or D or even E)

4. Everyone’s journey is different, look at how far you have come.
Your personal growth is your best measure of success

5. Seize the opportunity, this is for REAL!

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November 23, 2015

Tips & Tricks from Janet Lang - Whangarei Girls' High School

Hear Janet Lang's tips & tricks to students and teachers involved with the Young Enterprise Scheme

Janet Lang has been teaching at Whangarei Girls’ High
School for more than 30 years. In that time, she has
promoted entrepreneurship throughout the school and has
helped to embed enterprise into the school culture. Janet has been
a long-time supporter of The Lion Foundation Young Enterprise
Scheme, and has offered the programme for many years as part of
the senior school curriculum.

She has supported hundreds, if not thousands of students
to complete the YES programme. In December 2014, Janet
was awarded the Sir James Fletcher Award for Outstanding
Contribution to Enterprise.

Janet's 5 tips for Teachers

1. Don’t dismiss the simple ideas. Instead, help the team
to push the boundaries and move laterally

2. Expect accountability and responsibility, and operate
a high-trust model

3. Build a climate where the students reflect positively and
celebrate the learning from every challenge encountered

4. Involve the parents and whanau, they are a wonderful
(often untapped resource) but be wary of the line between
support and ownership

5. In the big scheme of things it is all about the experience,
don’t bury students in paper work

Janet's 5 tips for Students

1. Take advantage of the fabulous resources available
through Young Enterprise Trust

2. Create networks and outsource the skills you don’t have

3. There is always another way – never underestimate the
power of Plan B (or C or D or even E)

4. Everyone’s journey is different, look at how far you have come.
Your personal growth is your best measure of success

5. Seize the opportunity, this is for REAL!