Young Enterprise Mid-Year Report

2016 has been a big year for us so far, with plenty to celebrate so far and even more to look forward to as we head into the second half of the year.

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Highlights include:

Young Enterprise 35th Anniversary

This year we are celebrating our 35th year by recognising our amazing YES Alumni - through showcasing their stories online, and presenting two new awards:

  • YES Alumni of the Year (35 years and over)
  • YES Young Alumni of the Year (Under 35 years)

Roaming Teachers

This year we have expanded our roaming teacher activity to cover more regions, and now offer 1:1 support to teachers in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch. We are looking to grow this support and thanks to the Ministry of Education and Te Puni Kokiri are currently recruiting two additional teachers for Northland and Gisborne.

The Lion Foundation Young Enterprise Scheme

We have increased student participation again this year, with a total of 3384 students currently completing the YES programme across the country. We are proud to say that the number of students 'dropping-off' is at a record low of 2%. That's a whole lot of brand new business ideas hitting the market!

Sponsorship Opportunity - YES Awards

Love what the YES students do? Support them through sponsoring a YES Award. Here are the current ones available:

  • Arts and Culture
  • Food and Beverage
  • Innovation
  • Environment
  • Primary Sector

The full 2016 mid-year report is also available to download.

Regional Events

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August 4, 2016

Young Enterprise Mid-Year Report

2016 has been a big year for us so far, with plenty to celebrate so far and even more to look forward to as we head into the second half of the year.

Highlights include:

Young Enterprise 35th Anniversary

This year we are celebrating our 35th year by recognising our amazing YES Alumni - through showcasing their stories online, and presenting two new awards:

  • YES Alumni of the Year (35 years and over)
  • YES Young Alumni of the Year (Under 35 years)

Roaming Teachers

This year we have expanded our roaming teacher activity to cover more regions, and now offer 1:1 support to teachers in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch. We are looking to grow this support and thanks to the Ministry of Education and Te Puni Kokiri are currently recruiting two additional teachers for Northland and Gisborne.

The Lion Foundation Young Enterprise Scheme

We have increased student participation again this year, with a total of 3384 students currently completing the YES programme across the country. We are proud to say that the number of students 'dropping-off' is at a record low of 2%. That's a whole lot of brand new business ideas hitting the market!

Sponsorship Opportunity - YES Awards

Love what the YES students do? Support them through sponsoring a YES Award. Here are the current ones available:

  • Arts and Culture
  • Food and Beverage
  • Innovation
  • Environment
  • Primary Sector

The full 2016 mid-year report is also available to download.