Your Household Budget: US 28094

This resource helps students to learn how to prepare and use a household budget to achieve a financial goal. It can be used by teachers to deliver the Financial Capability Unit Standard 28094 ‘Produce a household budget, set a financial goal and review and adjust the budget to achieve the goal.’ (Level 2, 3 Credits).

Level 2, Credits 3

Mathematics and Statistics

Social Sciences

Level 2 Financial Capability Unit Standard

Led by teacher
Purchase this resource

Curriculum links

Financial Capability is a core generic domain on the New Zealand Qualifications Framework. This unit of work also has links to the Social Sciences and Mathematics and Statistics learning areas.

Students will:

  • Learn what a household budget is, and how it will be helpful
  • Set a financial goal for a household
  • Prepare a household budget
  • Review and adjust the budget to achieve a financial goal
  • Complete practice activities for an assessment

For access to the assessment and marking guidelines for this Unit Standard please email us at:

Download includes:

  • Using Financial Capability Unit Standards
  • Interactive Student Workbook
  • Helpful information

Registered educators will also receive a Student Assessment and Assessors' Guidelines with their purchase. If you are unsure if this is you, please email us at before your purchase.

Check you have the latest version here:

[Document ID] Resource Name
FC094-001-6 Student Workbook.pdf
FC094-004-2 Workbook Sample Answers.pdf
FC094-002-6 Student Assessment.pdf
FC094-003-5 Assessor Guidelines.pdf